Everybody in IT understands the importance of having the right monitoring solutions in place. From an infrastructure – to a business perspective, we rely on monitoring tools to get us the right information.
But I wonder, why don’t these tools monitor application updates and infrastructure changes? Especially in today’s world, where DevOps and agile working are pushing changes to the apps and infrastructure all the time? Manual configuration errors can cost companies up to $72,000 per hour in Web application downtime. While application maintenance costs are increasing at a rate of 20% annually, 35% of those polled said at least one-quarter of their downtime was caused by configuration errors.
All new technologies, like anomaly detection, might inform you about strange behavior, but when it comes down to the fact this behavior has been caused by a change in the application or the infrastructure, the traditional monitoring tools won’t tell you… They will just inform you about the effect, not about the cause, because they simply don’t monitor changes. That is exactly why StackState’s vision is to embrace ALL available information that is available in your enterprise.
StackState correlates, aggregates and merges all relevant monitoring and management tools.
From this information the model is automatically built. StackState’s model can automatically track all changes from these tools. The model is then used for automated reasoning. It can find relations with slow response times and upgrades in other applications or services and helps you to understand what the business impact of a problem really is.
When you are able to combine all this relevant data into one unified model, it will bring you closer to the zero downtime enterprise.
About StackState
StackState provides a real-time full-stack overview of your entire IT and Business landscape based on a unique unifying model. Business services and processes and all supporting infrastructure, soft- and hardware are included. StackState pulls in data from operational tools you are already working with: monitoring, container management solutions, infra tooling etc. and comes with an agent to fill the gaps where necessary. There will be no surprises left in your stack! We make sense of large and complex environments.