In this webinar
Modern applications and their configurations are updated continuously due to CI/CD. Modern virtualized, cloud-based and, Kubernetes-based environments all exhibit automated and dynamic behavior which both change configurations and the relationships between services and the components that they depend upon. Traditional APM and infrastructure monitoring solutions are unable to capture these changes as they occur and relate them to the resulting problems with application performance and reliability. Dynamic observability solutions uniquely capture all of these changes in the end-to-end application system and automatically relate them to issues with the performance and reliability of your critical dynamic applications.
Watch this webinar to understand the trends impacting today’s modern IT environments and learn how observability solutions like StackState can improve your existing monitoring tools and processes with real-time, dynamic, and comprehensive Observability of relationships and changes.

Stephen Elliot
Program Vice President, Management Software and Devops at IDC

Allyson Barr
Former CMO at StackState

Mark Arts
Senior Solutions Engineer